Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings

Weekend Bliss

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Well, this weekend was awesome, to say the least. I went to the movies, which I haven't done in a long, long while. All-in-all I had the most relaxing, wonderful weekend I think I've had in .....hrm..... lets just say a really long time.

Maryland was gorgeous, and even though I didn't get to see as much of it as I'd like to have, what I saw was great. We went past the biggest mall I think I've ever seen. It has a shoe store the size of Bay Village that I wouldn't allow myself to look at, or I might have had to buy a new bag to take all the things I bought home in! You know me and shoes!

We saw dodgeball, which was hilarious but had a kinda cheesy ending, and alien vs. predator, which started out kinda boring but was interesting over all. I kinda wanted to see "The Village" for a good scare, but I think from the reviews I've seen that it might be a renter.

It barely rained at all, even though the weather forcast was calling for major thunder storms. Infact, it was really beautiful weather. Nice and warm, but not too too warm. Perfect. Just like my weekend!

P.S. Princess, I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to call you before I left. The night you called I got off the treadmill at 10:30pm and my mom informed me you go to bed earlier than that so I didn't want to disturb.

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