Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings

Mudder-Feekin' Bee!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Today while sitting outside with my mom, brother, joanis, and bob a bee flew at my mom. She swished it away and it came directly at my face, stinging the corner of my eye. Mudder-feekie was like a kamikaze going for my face! And while I'm trying desperately to make the pain stop, my mother thinks I'm making it up because she didn't see the bee sting me. Well, the swelling around my eye didn't come from no where!

Freakin' little bastage lived, too. *sigh* And! This morning I fell on the stairs and could have a doozy of a bruise after THAT swelling goes down. I'm afraid if I go out in public people will think I'm being beat at home, for heaven sake. Just not my day!

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