Home Again, Home Again... Crap.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Anyone miss me? Well, in any case, I did have a wonderful time with Keith. I apologize ahead of time if this post sucks, I'm really tired but I wanted to get a post up. I spent 9 wonderful days in Maryland with Keithy and we had a great time. I slept in, as I mentioned before, and just chillaxed. I was spoiled beyond all measures with belated birthday presents when I arrived. The purse is a Chococat one and yes extremely adorable, I'm not a big fan of Hello Kitty, but Chococat is mudder-feekin' so cute! Picture two is a mini iPod, in pink (of course). The lazer inscription on the back reads "Jenny Bunny's IPOD". And before you vomit from all the adorable-cuteness, the PJ's are from Victoria's Secret... and if it hadn't been in the 90's-100's while I was there I would have worn them! He also sent me a book on the actual day that I've been reading since then in my spare time, called "Mine Are Spectacular!" So far it's pretty funny. See? I told you I was spoiled. And he cooks! He's mine though, hands off. Anyway, I tried not to call home tons but to prevent the guilt trips, that would more than likely have bombarded me once I arrived home, I called every other day for about 10-15 minutes. I only regretted it once! Keith and I went to DC and walked around in 99+ degree sun, ducking in to the Smithsonian to cool off for a while, and then trekking around the rest of the place to my body's dismay. I've decided I wasn't made for hot weather. I felt pretty dern weak a couple times, but we kept ducking into cool air so I could see the white house. You can't go to D.C. and not see the white house. I'll be putting the pictures up in my little flicker album if you're interested. Not tonight though, I'm too tired. We didn't hit the beach, which was really my preference, because it was too bloody hot! Besides, I don't tan anyway, so what's the point? I do have to admit that I'm pretty nicely normal looking now. No more reflective skin! Yeah, if you don't believe me click on the word 'reflective'. That wasn't all that long ago, courtesy of Princess Trix. So my vacation is over, and I'm so much more relaxed... thank you, Keithy. OR Blogger Comments (0)
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