Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings

Red Flags!

Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm currently in an online volunteer program, helping out the ungrateful people in an online game. Yes, I'm a geek, no real news flash there. I've been a "higher up" in this program for some time now, too much time really, and working alone on a server in this "rank" is lame. I have atleast 1 or so emails a week with a complaint about this or that, and while I generally care for people's situations, there's only so much crap one geek girl can trudge through.

Well, I've been busy with my "real life", as I like to call it, and I've been neglecting the people I should be helping to help others... still with me? Ok, so last week I get an email that I finally have help. Thank goodness! This means that I can leave the program without feeling guilty. The new "higher up" sends me an email via yahoo and since I have Trillian I decide I'll open up a chat with him because when you can get an instant message it's so much better. As I'm adding him to my contact list so I can message him, Keith points out his user profile and I click on it to see why he's laughing and shiver in horror.

Age: 49
Marital Status: Long-term relationship
(phew, then I don't have to worry about getting my sexual harrassment email all pretyped)

Sex: Male
(not a big surprise, most people playing games are.)

His Occupation: On disability - deaf
Under his "Hobbies" he has:

Sex bears everquest world of warcraft.
Love thick men, thick women, fat *( ahem.. boy parts) and big booties.

Ummm... whaaaa? Red flags go off everywhere in my head. This is when, as a female, I turn and run. Sex & bears? Or Sex bears? Not that it really matters cause both creep me mudder-feekin' out. There was a small picture of him and all I could think of was... actually... I think my brain melted. Just... ew.

I still have the willies.

*edited to suit my delicate sensibilities.

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