Mickey Mouse, please send help!
Monday, October 17, 2005
My parents have been teasing me with the notion that they're leaving on the 22nd, which is less than 1 week, and then Bob has a doctor's appointment. You notice how I used the word teasing? This is because my mother has had her fingers crossed for about a month now, and driving me absolutely batty in the mean time. I'm not the kind of person most people think I'll be when another person starts crying. Suddenly a cold wall will go up and I've got to force myself to be the comforter. I guess this could be because instead of getting emotionally involved I try and fix it, and then comfort. Well, my mother has been crying at least once every day or two, and it's ALWAYS about going to Disney World. What on earth would process a grown woman to cry at the thoughts of not going to Disney World? Well, Disney World happens to be my mom's happy place for some messed up reason. I personally dislike the place, there's only so much mickey crap you can handle before you cut the head off the mickey molded butter and stab it's little buttery body. *Ahem* Anyway, my mother cancelled the specialist plans for Bob today and plans on rescheduling them in December for January. They are officially leaving for Disney World next Saturday. Thank heaven....and mickey. OR Blogger Comments (0)
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