Sunday, June 25, 2006
...I know my posts haven't been up to their usual quirkiness and I really am trying to turn it around, so hang in there. I usually use this blog as my place to vent, but it's becoming rather redundant, even to me. Someone call me a whaaaaambulance, I'm offically a big, fat whiner. Future posts will be more like me, even when I'm complaining. So enough about my inability to restrain the whining about my family and lets get on with my weekend. Friday - spent the better part of the day doing things with my mother, running errands, blah blah boring crap, and then at around 11:30pm I came up with the genius (and by genius I mean, totally mudder-feekin' stupid)idea to rearrange my room. By 1:30am I was just getting the furniture where I liked it. Then, suddenly, my left thigh charley-horsed and I had to quit - I swear, my face looks young, my voice sounds young, but my body... it hates me and is aging 10x faster. Saturday - Finished rearranging my room and then it was like all my drawers had thrown up or something. Have you ever started a project and then mid-way through you think, what the heck did I get myself into? I was really wishing for the ability to close my eyes and have everything put in the right spots at that point. I spray painted my vanity white (again), then there was hanging some grippy wall hanger things my mom found on some infomercial (freakin' infomercial nut), and taking Lisa (step-sister) to dinner. Mid-meal I felt the incredible urge to use my stabby knife hand to hurt her because she was eating like a pig. I really think if my parents would allow it she'd have her face buried in her plate instead of using a fork. Sunday - I went to church with my parents (the first morning we could actually get Bob up early enough). I've decided to name it the church of the perverts for all the perverted old men there that have clearly lost all propriety and are now just complete icky old pervs. The best part was leaving. All-in-all a weekend that I'm pretty glad is behind me....and so is my stabby hand. OR Blogger Comments (0)
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