Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings

Florida Condo & Cleaning

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My parents arrive home tomorrow, and I've been busily trying to undo all the things my brother has done since they left. Mind you, he's not completely at fault here, but I atleast have a routine of cleaning, and he cares about nothing but himself.

Why they'd want to leave Florida is beyond me. Here's a few photos of their pretty condo. You can click on them to make them larger.

Front shot of the condo. Cute, isn't it?

Entering the front door. This is the living room.

Living room from another angle.

My favorite spot in the whole house. The "lanai".

Mom & Bob's bedroom. They have a really HUGE bathroom, but I didn't take a picture of it. Who wants to see a bathroom anyway? But it has a walk-in closet for mom, and a regular closet for Bob. *drool*

And a view of the lanai and pond from Mom & Bob's bedroom.

The kitchen, obviously.

The guest bedroom. AKA Jen's Room!

The garage. You have to oo and ahh at it because *I* scrubbed it.

ANYWAY, .. I can't wait to see my mom. I know it's only really been like a week or so, but I miss her. We have such a good time together.

I have a scape-goat for all the red carpet stain incidents. Joanis now spilled something in the living room, and Van spilled something in my mom's room. Lets cross our fingers that these horrible lies take! I'm going to buy this red dye remover crap online and see if that doesn't do the trick... but unfortunately I've run out of time to experiment before my mom gets home. So, yeah.. I'm gonna lie through my freakin' teeth.

I'm the good one! The angel! Who wouldn't believe me? Right? Here's hoping.

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