Hurricanes! Grr!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I'm telling you right now, if I don't get a break from the crap that is taking care of my parents, I will seriously go bananas. Yesterday as I made dinner my brother David sat with my mom and talked. I don't really remember how it all came about, but it came to a point where he says, "The newer generations don't care about anything but TV and computers and have NO social skills." As he says this he begins to point at me and is nodding at my mom, who is in turn agreeing with him. Neither have realized that I've already turned around and see exactly what they're doing. When my brother finally notices he quickly puts his hand down and I say nothing. I finish making dinner, serve it, eat with them... and then silently go upstairs to cry about it to Keith. I spent the day, that day, with my mother holding her hand at her scary cancer doctor appointment, then drove her around to do little errands here and there and everywhere, one of which was atleast an hour away. I truely enjoyed the day with her, for a change, and it felt like it had been... and then this? What have I ever done to deserve being treated like an old ratty rug? One day, she will look back and realize David, Van, the rest of them... they have their father's blood in them... and he was nothing but crap. He beat my mom, he abused all of them, and all they do is wait around for the great big hand out of cash. I, on the other hand, I'm there for her. She comes to ME when she's in pain, when she's scared, when she's sick... no one else. Me. And one day, she's gonna go too far and I won't be able to remove the knife that's being stabbing and twisted deeper and deeper into my back. Pardon the drama of it all, but I'm so hurt! When I finally brought it up today, my mom denied having agreed even though I told her I saw it with my own eyes. What the heck is wrong with people? Everyone but my honey (and meghan) has been an f-tard to me. OR Blogger Comments (0)
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