Mudder Feekie!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Well, shame on me! The mailman has become my arch nemesis, and I no longer look forward to seeing him come around here anymore. Again, the mail has disappointed me! Today I recieved my jury summons, and the butterflies in my stomach started up. What's strange is that my mom and I were just talking about how I'd never been summoned before and I thought to myself how neat it would be. When I expressed my interest all the horror stories that I was told quickly made me change my mind. It's obviously not going to be like when Carrie from Sex and the City went to Jury duty and got to bring her lap top, right? It couldn't be that easy. Bob was no help with his jury duty horror story about some man telling him that he knew where he lived or some such. I know it will be boring, I know I'll hate it, but why can't the court house be closer? Downtown is craptastic! All I have to say is, September 25th better be crazy people day so I have something to look at whilst I'm bored out of my mind. Like this! Anyone have any interesting jury duty stories? OR Blogger Comments (0)
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