Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings

How Clean Are You?

Friday, September 08, 2006

It's a morning ritual of mine to watch a few talk shows while I wake up with my mom. I make her tea and myself a cup of this vanilla cafe (which I'm totally addicted to) and we sit and watch crap T.V. Well, yesterday morning the Tyra Banks show came on, and normally she talks about such crap that I could really care less and I usually use that time to take a shower. Well this particular day the show was about make up and how dirty it is.

The part circled with an arrow behind the women was the bacteria found on the woman in the brown shirt's lipstick! (Not to mention, those little wormy looking things were moving.)

As soon as the show was over I dumped everything out of the makeup bags I had. Having worked in the cosmetics department of a department store, I had a lot of free-be stuff that I've had since I worked there. Considering I worked there about 4-5 years ago I'd say yeah... they were past their prime by a long shot.

Here are some facts for anyone wondering just how long you're suppose to keep the makeup that you have:

General Shelf Life of Makeup

Mascara: Mascara lasts 3-6 months and is the most prone of all makeup to harbor bacteria because the wand is constantly being dipped. A general rule is anything that is a liquid has a shorter life.

Concealer: Has a life of about 18 months due to emulsion (the ingredients will begin to separate). Also, remember you’re generally using concealer to cover blemishes, which can be more sensitive and prone to infection than other parts of your face.

Liquid Foundation: You should never use liquid foundation after more than one year. Always use a sponge, and not your germ-laden fingers! If the foundation separates or smells bad, throw it out.

Loose Powder: This item can last for years.

Eye Shadow: Lasts 12-18 months if it is a cream, 2 years if it’s a powder.

Lip Pencil: Can last 3 years due to the wood and wax. Remember to sharpen and cover between uses.

Lipstick: Can hold up for 2-3 years, but if there is a color change or rancid smell, throw it out.

Lip gloss: Don’t keep more than 18 months due to a different formulation chemical composition and the same dipping problem as mascara.

I highly recommend going through your makeup bag and cleaning that puppy out or you might just find something like this....

...on your lips, eyes, or cheeks.

You should also wash your brushes at least once a week with even a mild facial cleanser.

Alright, now that I've done my good deed for the weekend, go forth and clean.

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