Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I meant to update sooner but I haven't really had the time to get to the computer much. I'm too afraid the dog will try to follow me upstairs and right now that would not be a good thing.

So she had her surgery and got through it just fine. She had to stay the night because the incision was so large and they wanted to watch to make sure the drainage was alright. I went in thursday and my poor baby had half her fur shaven off, looked like the side of a baseball because of all the stitches, and had 2 drainage tubes sticking out. To say the least, it was a disturbing and I felt so horrible for her. She acted like nothing even happened, which made me cry, and all I wanted to do was get her home so I could baby her.

Saturday she had the drainage tubes removed and personally I think that was 2 days too long to have them in. Cleaning them was revolting, but I'd do anything to make sure Tresse's recovery went smoothly. The tubes came out very well and she's been scabbing up which is a very good sign.

She has to wear a t-shirt so she won't lick or bite at her wound and seriously looks so funny in it. Like she should have a pack of cigarettes rolled up in the sleeves or something. She gets her stitches out on the 15th and so far she healing in record time. Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes, they really meant a lot to me... any my dog.

Unfortunately I'm going stir crazy. I have to pretty much stay put because she has to be quiet for another week. If I do anything she has to be right there with me, so a trip to the drug store is a huge event for me right now. Actual living people! Atleast I've gotten the time to watch all my movies.

Thanks again for thinking about us!

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