Monday, March 27, 2006
Well, the sun has definately changed it's position in the sky, a lot of the song birds are back, and my plants are perking up so it must be spring. You wouldn't really know it by stepping outside, what with it snowing lately and all, but it surely is spring. The days are finally starting to get longer. I had a great weekend, infact one of the best since about... oh... 2 weeks ago. My Keithy drove out on Friday and we had a wonderful, way too bloody short, weekend. On Saturday he and I spent most of the morning being a little lazy. Keith thought he should get his [insert car part] We ordered some cake but the waiter had a brain fart and decided to bring our check instead, to Meghan's delight. Instead we hopped over to Malley's (awesome chocolate & ice cream place) for some ice cream. Keith couldn't talk better about Meghan's hubby and Joe (who he'd just met) on the short jaunt home. I love my weekends with Keithy ... but I hate that they're so darn short. Depression sets in very shortly afterwards because I miss him so much. I can't wait for Easter, he and I are driving down to Florida for some sun and fun. OR Blogger Comments (0)
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