Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings

Updates & Ideas

Thursday, March 16, 2006

If you read this blog at all, or know me personally, you know my poor pooch just had pretty major surgery 2 weeks ago. Today her stitches came out and the vet gave me the thumbs up in how well I've taken care of her rather large rainbow shaped cut. My neighbors think I've become one of those people that dresses their dog in clothes because it's all cute and crap. Well, we've never been that sort of dog owner, though we have been known to tie a bandana around her neck (which I think looks lame) but my dog prefers the cone or "party hat" as we like to call it. Yes, my dog actually gets all wiggly and excited if you whip out the cone that prevents her from licking or biting at anything on her body. Go figure.

Anyway, so I've had to keep a t-shirt on the dog to prevent her from licking her wound but I've gotten at least 4 comments on how she looks "stylish" with that "you dog dresser" kind of smirk. So today I proved them all right and bought her a warm up outfit in a horrid pink color (really obnoxiously pink) and a bright red sweater. If we're doing this, it's all the way! With a huge patch of her fur missing I'll be damned if she's gonna be cold and unstylish. She's been wearing her 5 dollar old man hanes white t-shirts (cut all up to accomodate the dog) but no more!

My 10 yr high school reunion is coming up this fall and all I can think about is yuck. Don't get me wrong my high school days were fun but when I left I didn't look back. I've kept the relationships from my school days that meant something to me, and lost touch with the people that just couldn't keep up with all my travels. The thoughts of seeing one particular person, a close friend in high school has been giving me icks, though. When I met my ex I matched her up with his best friend. The events that led to their being together really made me realize just how horrible a person she was, just as my mom and nearly all my other friends kept telling me, and I cut her out of my life. I tried once to repair the damage so we could be civil to one another for our (at the time) husbands' sake, but by then she wasn't interested in even being civil. Her loss... I'm a mudder-feekin' good friend. Anyway, this means that there is a slight possibility that her highness could be there with my ex's best friend. Bleh, oh well.

Lastly, this blog is getting all boring in the design/color department (prolly other areas too!) and I need a change. If you read this post you HAVE to at least make one suggestion. It can be absolutely brutally honest! I just need input on my next theme. This means you sneaky mcsneakersons need to come out of hiding and post a comment.

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