The Lose
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Well today I suck. After being yelled at by my mom about who closed a door (no joke!) I decided that it's very dangerous to take away the womans meat and caffiene products all in one shot. So tonight I reintroduced chicken into the mix. The diet just wasn't for me. Not because I couldn't handle the food, I love fruits and veggies, but because all I thought about was food. That's just not for me. I eat to live, not the other way around (contrary to what the obvious fatness shows). If you can eat like this diet suggests then more power to you! I, on the other hand, don't think it did much for me (except maybe get me to drink more water). The good news is that before this diet I was eating better and lost 7 lbs without giving up anything. I don't care if it takes longer, I'll lose it my way and be happy... and not have a freakishly grumpy mother to deal with on top of it. In more losery news, I was scanning through my old comments on Haloscan and noticed someone who posted under the name Bruce Cobbledick. You may remember him, but let me refresh your memory. Post #1 & Post #2 Man, those still make me laugh. Anyway, it seems Mr. Cobbledick (or someone impersonating him) decided to lower himself to comment on my teeny-tiny, measlie little blog. You'll see one example in Post #2. I mention him in Post #3 and that's where he comments again. Silly politician. You make me laugh. I found some more good stuff, which is likely where Mr. Cobbledick got his annoyance from. Supposedly one of the local papers ran an article about Mr. Cobbledick and stated, "Cobbeldick makes no bones about his disapproval of incumbent Mayor Deborah Sutherland. " I don't know what's more priceless here, I really don't. So some website picked up the article and it didn't go over so well. Apparently there are a lot of immature people like myself who find his name utterly hilarious. I shall treasure my Cobbledick sign forever now. OR Blogger Comments (0)
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