Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings
Copyrighted to Bunny of Bunny's Babblings


Friday, June 30, 2006

This week has blown by pretty fast, thank goodness.

This sunday "sausage toes" or my brother Keith's wife michelle* (which ever you're more comfortable with) will be visiting from Florida, without my brother. Apparently when the doctor told her that she should be on bed rest 80% of the time until she has the baby, that it didn't count when she has to make a sacrifice. Nevermind that my brother has been working 7 days a week so that he can provide for their existing two and 'chelle so that she can sit and watch her shows. Nono, he should take a week off of work to watch the kids so she can fly here, without permission from her doctor, and go to a wedding. Priorities, priorities.

My honey Keith got yet another email from his ex-coworker Regina. His reply is utterly priceless so it has to be posted.

If you missed the first three emails she sent here they are.

#1 OMG!
#2 WTF?
#3 Desperate much?

Regina's letter:


Heard you were sighted at [company name] again! Kerstin said Kristi was saying how good you looked. So how much weight have you lost? I know you were losing it when I left [company name], so I'm guessing you kept taking it off! Good for you! I have a personal trainer and that little bitch keeps me sweating my ass off. And believe me there is alot of ass to sweat. -giggle- I was beginning to think you fell off the planet until I heard of your debut at [company name]. I hope all is well and you're doing well, keep smiling! I'm here for you if you ever need me for anything.


Yeah, I'm sure you are, whore.

Keith's reply:


Haven't all the emails that have been sent by jenny and I gotten the message to you yet ?! I mean come on! I don't know what you're playing, but sheesh, welcome to my blocked list and if you open another account and email me I'll report you to yahoo. That being said, I think you might want to go outside an play hide and go F*** yourself.

Jenny's one and only love,

That's my honey!

** I will be supplying a picture of said sausage toes in the near future. It's not fair to only post B-renda chin pictures.

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